Kids Wish Network is Right on Target and with a Pro by Kids Wish Network

Kids Wish Network is Right on Target and with a Pro by Kids Wish Network

BOONVILLE, Ind. (December 2021): Like most girls her age, Emma loves shopping – especially at Target. Kids Wish Network gave her an experience of a lifetime with a generous Target gift card loaded with spending money. “Whoa! That will take me forever to spend!” said Emma in disbelief.  She’ll have so much fun shopping for all the things she’s been wishing for. Kids Wish Network also surprised Emma with another amazing gift, an iPad Pro! “We were so shocked!” said her mom Jessica. “She just couldn't believe it all. She kept saying she felt so loved and speechless. Thank you so very much.” 

Emma has Crohn’s disease and continues to struggle with complications from her illness.  

Kids Wish Network Gives Many Thanks

Kids Wish Network could not have provided this wish to Emma without the help of the many supporters who believe in making wishes come true for kids who need hope.  

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Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering from life-threatening conditions but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Project Toy Drop, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, and A Child Forever Funeral Assistance.


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