Supportive Siblings Come Together DuringDad’s Cancer Battle

Charlotte, Hunter, and Jaxon came together for their family after their dad was diagnosed with acutemyeloid leukemia. He spent a total of 81 days in the hospital, where he underwent three rounds of chemo and a life-saving bone marrow transplant. During this traumatic time, these siblings helped their mom however they could. Even though Charlotte was only six at the time, she assisted with cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, and picking out food at the grocery store. She is an amazing little girl with a heart of gold, and she was always making pictures and notes to help her dad get through his darkest days. Twelve-year-old Hunter also stepped up while his family was in turmoil. Their home was undergoing a major renovation, and he jumped in doing chores like vacuuming, cooking, cleaning, leaf blowing, helping pack up their home, mowing, raking, and more. Being relied on in so many ways happened overnight. Jaxon was eight and worked all the time to help with chores that their dad normally handled like stacking wood for winter, mowing the lawn, raking, helping mom with grocery shopping, and then some. He never said no when asked for help. “Our three children have handled their dad being sick with such grace,” said their mom. “They are amazing little people. They helped me with things that no children should have to worry about at their age, but did so without complaint.”

Kids Wish Network is thrilled to honor these supportive and courageous Heroes.


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