Hero’s Happy Vibes Continue Even During Hospitalization


Jason was in the hospital for 19 days with a spine fracture that required surgery for spinal fusion along with many days of being flat on bedrest. This is hard for anyone, let alone a previously active 4-year-old. Jason did not complain or throw fits. He found happiness in the toys that were brought to his bedside, and being with his parents who were always at his side even though they were suffering from injuries themselves. “Jason would always greet me with a huge smile, high fives and pounds,” said his Child Life SpecialistKyla Brown from Valleywise Health in Phoenix, Arizona.“ He is very positive, happy, and did not let a lengthy hospitalization and time in bed alter his mood. Even during therapy, he would complete tasks with a smile.” He was nominated by his Child Life Specialist Kyla Brown, and Kids Wish Network is happy to award Jason as a Hero of the Month.


Hero is a Warrior Through Vast Hospitalizations


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