Brave Siblings Suffer Devastating Loss and Keep Family Strong


Persia, Visha, Janiah, Aiden and Jaiden have suffered the devastating loss of their sibling. Persia is caring, loving and protective. She stepped up as a big sister and was very helpful with her siblings. Visha is kind and sweet. She helped take care of her little sister who passed away until the very end, and also kept their siblings calm during their most difficult time. Janiah has spread good spirits to everyone and has kept everyone company during hard times.  Despite the tragedy, Aiden keeps up his good grades, and makes sure his siblings are doing ok. Jaiden has a big heart and smile, and has been very helpful doing tasks around the house and looking out for his little sister.

They were nominated by their mom, and Kids Wish Network is honored to award these brave and helpful siblings as Heroes.


Nashville Wish is Full of Adventure, Luxury and Meaningful Memories


Hero Bravely Endures Injury and Pushes Through Uncertainties