Kids Wish Network

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Hero Valiantly Battles Health Challenges, Thoughtfully Helps Others

“As a dentist for 29 years, I have seen good patients and bad patients. In my lifetime, I have never seen a patient like my son Ian. He courageously dealt with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 MRIs. Each one was over 1.5 hours. He was in the pediatric ICU for 11 days and remained strong for literally 98% of his stay. He endured a spinal tap procedure which was unsuccessful on 3 attempts. Later that night, he had to endure an additional spinal tap after his lower back was quite sore from the first 3 attempts. He dealt with the second spinal tap with the courage, strength, and determination of a soldier. His determination continues as he undergoes rehabilitation after not being able to walk for over a month.”

Ian is also thoughtful in helping others. After being presented with upsetting news about the health of one of his friends, he was instrumental in organizing eight friends to chip in and buy their friend a Mets jersey at a game. He even had a player sign it. For the past two summers, Ian also volunteered to teach young children golf at their local community camp.

“He amazes us with his daily strength and courage,” said his proud dad, who nominated Ian for valiantly battling his challenges.“He is thoughtful, kind, sensitive, caring, wonderful, hard-working, appreciative, generous... the list goes on. ”Kids Wish Network is so happy to honor Ian as a Hero of the Month.