Kids Wish Network

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Heroes Help Fight Battle, Suffer Tragic Loss

Siblings Jordan, 16, and Aubrey, 10, tragically lost their brother to cancer after he endured several relapses. His battle was intense, and they selflessly stood by him, putting his needs first emotionally and physically. Jordan was his bone marrow donor, and Aubrey was always helpful, stopping whatever she was doing to tend to his needs. These siblings were devoted to their brother and so proud of him. Aubrey and Jordan were nominated by a family friend who was inspired by the love these siblings had for their brother and their dedication in helping him fight his battle. It was a traumatic loss. “It’s going to be so hard on them going on without him,” said their family friend. “They are a true blessing. Aaron couldn’t have asked for better siblings.” Kids Wish Network is honored to recognize Jordan and Aubrey as Heroes.

Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering from life-threatening conditions but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Project Toy Drop, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, and A Child Forever Funeral Assistance.