Hero Remains Courageous Striving to Walk Again


Eli went to the hospital with severe pain in his legs. It was so debilitating, that he couldn’t even walk without assistance. He underwent a variety of procedures, enduring a lumbar puncture, IV lab draws, an EMG study, and additional nerve testing. He remained hospitalized for nearly a week as his body healed. Eli mustered up his strength, exerting himself to walk again. It was also difficult being away from the comforts of home and his twin. Even though he faced so much affliction, he was compliant with treatments and kept his sunny disposition with medical staff. His Child Life Specialist, Kayleigh Stark at Cox Health: Cox Medical Center South in Springfield, MO, was inspired by Eli’s courage and determination in fighting to recover. Kids Wish Network is happy to name Eli as a Hero of the Month.

Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering from life-threatening conditions but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Project Toy Drop, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, and A Child Forever Funeral Assistance.


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