Kids Wish Network

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Hero Bravely Perseveres Despite Two Family Tragedies

Malaysia has been faced with adversity since the start of the year. In February, she witnessed the loss of her 9-year-old cousin who succumbed to brain cancer. Malaysia also witnessed her younger brother be unresponsive and rushed to the hospital. Ten days later, she heard the news that her younger brother wasn’t coming back home. Despite her young age, Malaysia has displayed an abundance of support for her mother and baby sister. Malaysia continues to help her mother around the house, and still be a light during such a difficult time. “For a child to show so much resilience while remaining positive after two major losses in a close-knit family, I truly believe that she should be honored for showing such a high level of bravery and understanding of loss,” said a family friend who nominated her. 

Malaysia is a funny, smart, energetic, independent and outgoing ray of light. She loves to be of service to others.

Kids Wish Network awarded Malaysia as a Hero for her bravery, support and resilience during her most difficult time. She received a Hero gift package to brighten her days.