Kids Wish Network

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A Wish Built on Colorful Bricks and Adored Mickey and Peppa

ORLANDO, Fla. (April 2024): Hayden loves Mickey Mouse, Peppa Pig and LEGOs, so Orlando would surely be his happy place with Disney and the Peppa Pig Theme Park. Kids Wish Network made his dream come true, sending him to Orlando to experience his favorite characters with a colorful wish planned brick by brick.

Hayden’s wish trip was one big adventure, He even rode in an airplane for the first time. Kids Wish Network flew his family to Orlando for his once-in-a-lifetime getaway that was all about Hayden and the things that make him smile. 

Kids Wish Network gave him the full LEGO experience with an amazing stay at the imaginative LEGOLAND resort. His adored LEGOs were everywhere in the themed hotel, and he especially loved the resort’s pool with soft floating LEGO bricks to build and play with. “We need LEGOs for Nana’s pool,” said Hayden who thought it was the best thing ever. LEGOLAND Hotel staff also went above and beyond for Hayden. His needs were catered to, including shuttling him in a golf cart to the Peppa Pig Theme Park which would have been a difficult walk for him. The hotel provided accommodations to Kids Wish Network at a discounted rate. 

LEGOLAND and Peppa Pig Theme Park were fun-filled with all their rides, shows and LEGOLAND’s larger than life LEGO sculptures. He also participated in a Master Builder workshop and enjoyed making a LEGO dog. Merlin’s Magic Wand graciously donated passes for LEGOLAND and Peppa Pig Theme Park. Other memorable days were spent at the Disney parks. 

During the wish trip, his family also enjoyed dinners at Chili’s and Ruby Tuesday, with meals provided by the restaurants.  

“My favorite part was seeing Hayden’s reaction to the characters and attractions,” said his mom Danielle. She is also very thankful that their family was able to have time away without doctor appointments, and fully indulge Hayden.

He was born premature at only 27 weeks, and remained in the hospital for over a year. Hayden was trach and ventilator dependent, and finally had his trach removed last year. He still uses oxygen at night and during naps, and is g-tube dependent. At school Hayden undergoes physical, speech, occupational and feeding therapies. He also copes with additional complications. 

Many Thanks 

Kids Wish Network could not have provided this wish to Hayden without the help of the LEGOLAND Hotel, Merlin’s Magic Wand, Chili’s, Ruby Tuesday, and the many supporters who believe in making wishes come true for kids who need hope.


Visit to learn about our different programs. Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering from life-threatening conditions but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Project Toy Drop, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, and A Child Forever Funeral Assistance.

Every kid’s wish is worth the investment because every wish changes a life.

If you would like to sponsor a child’s wish, or if you know a child who is suffering from a life-threatening illness and may be in need of Kids Wish Network’s wish-granting services, please call 727-789-0008.